Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Tune in every Friday at 11:00am to www.CastleRockRadio.com to hear "Life After Divorce". This internet radio show has topics specific to divorce and offers free advice for families going through the divorce process. You will hear from attorneys, mental health professionals, financial specialists, and real estate experts. You can also visit the archives and discover the shows that are most helpful to you.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Is the grass greener? Divorce expectations matter.

"Look Before You Leap"
The Unexpected Consequences of Divorce
by Michele Weiner-Davis

"When people divorce they have visions of better lives. Old problems will vanish, they hope, as new dreams take their place. These dreams usually include meeting candidates for more intimate relationships, more compatible sexual partners, improved financial status, more freedom to pursue personal goals and new opportunities to make independent choices. These dreams frequently do not materialize, creating a whole new set of problems. Even when desired changes do occur, they are not without unintended consequences. "

People are happier when they have realistic expectations about divorce.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Book Signing Children of Divorce

I will be hosting a book signing on September 11th from 1:00 - 4:00pm at the Borders bookstore in Arapahoe Crossing shopping Center. I am launching a children's book titled, Mommy and Daddy are Getting Divorced. It's a re-together book for parents and children that will help children understand divorce and help parents see divorce through their children's eyes. Kristine Turner, Ph.D.